Pre KG, LKG and UKG – The school follows the Little MillenniumTM which has a well researched, award-winning and scientifically developed curriculum that focuses on the holistic development of every child, through play activities and collaborative group work

Subjects  for classes I to X

  1. English (Language &Literature)
  2. Mathematics
  3. Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
  4. Social Science (History, Political Science, Economics, Geography)
  5. Computer Science
  6. Language options
    1. Primary School - Kannada compulsory    
      Additional language
      1. Classes I to III: Hindi
      2. Classes IV & V: Hindi or Sanskrit
    2. Middle School (Classes VI, VII & VIII)
      1. Second language - Hindi/Kannada/Sanskrit
      2. Third language - Hindi is compulsory as the Third language if Kannada/Sanskrit is chosen as II language
    3. High School (Classes IX and X):

      The Second language already chosen should be continued till classes X.

  1. Health and Physical Education
  2. Co-Scholastic Activities – Dance, Music, Yoga, Art, Value Education, Sports



  1. English (Compulsory): Core English
  2. Science Group(A)
    1. Physics, Chemistry,  Mathematics, Biology
    2. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science
    3. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Entrepreneurship
    4. Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Entrepreneurship
  3. Commerce Group(B) Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy, Maths/ Entrepreneurship
  4. General Studies
  5. Work Experience
  6. Physical and Health Education